Gabriella Reuter trains with double Olympic medalist Chris Kappler, so she knows a lot about competing as a jumper at the highest levels. She is a student at NYU and still finds the time to train 16 hours a week, in addition to putting in 12 hours of fitness training. She hopes to qualify for the next Pan-American Games in Lima, Peru in 2019, representing her home country of Chile, and she is well on her way to achieving her goal.
1. At what age did you begin riding, and what riding style did you begin with?
I began riding when I was 4. We had a house at the beach in Chile and in the Polo Club there was a small riding school where I began to ride. It was English style and mostly dressage exercises with Chilean and old Polo horses.
2. What is the best training tip you received from a trainer?
There are many I have received but a few good ones are: “Keep cool, calm, and collected,” “Listen to your horse and ride with feeling,” “Work hard and the results will follow”.
3. What is the worst training tip you received from a trainer?
Probably along the lines of “Don’t mess this or that up”.
4. What training technique is your go to tool for preparing yourself and your horse(s) for a show?
In regards to physical training I practice no stirrups and two-point position during the week. Before showing I make sure my horse is listening to my aids and is supple. In regards to mental preparation, I do a lot of visualization and mental techniques for myself along with stretches. I also stretch my horses on foot before, and then I make sure they are supple and listening to my aids.
5. What do you consider your biggest riding strength?
Perseverance. I do not give up.
6. What has been your biggest riding challenge?
I would say dealing with high pressure situations and not getting in my head and overthinking things.
7. If you could ride anywhere in the world where would that be?
I definitely want to work in Europe for a while after I am done with University. It’s very different and I think it would be good for me.
8. Do you cross train/trail ride with your horse(s)?
I work out a LOT hahaha. I do pilates, orange theory, go to different classes, etc. At Wellington, my focus was OT and Pilates.
9. If you were to dress up your horse(s) for Halloween what would you both be?
I would love to dress up as Daenerys Targaryen and my horse as one of her dragons!
10. What books on riding would you recommend?
“The Champion’s Mind”, “The Golfer’s Mind”, “Relentless”, “The Champion’s Comeback”.